Hey Babbl

How much are you spending on your home internet?

How much are you spending on your home internet?

How much are you spending on your home internet?

You’ve probably heard by now that Canadians spend a good deal of their hard earned cash on their home internet bill — so much so that we rank amongst the most expensive in the world. In fact, according to a recent global study by communications researchers, Cable.co.uk, Canadian’s now pay, on average $76.14 USD per month for home internet as compared to $34.78 USD in the UK and $59.99 USD in the US.

When you ask the average Canadian exactly how much they’re paying on home internet each month, many simply don’t know. And a big contributor to this confusion is bundled billing.

So how much are you paying? Log into your Shaw or Telus account and read the rest of this blog to find out if you’re paying too much.

Many internet service providers (ISPs) these days offer communications services as bundled household packages — combining home internet, cable, and mobile data (often multiple numbers) onto a single bill. At first blush, bundling seems to offer improved convenience via a single payment for all household communications services.

Unfortunately, having home internet bundled into a larger bill means users are more likely to focus on the total bill amount and less likely to keep tabs on what they’re actually spending on their internet. As a result, incremental increases in internet costs or hidden fees may go unnoticed.

The straight goods: How to read your bundled bills

Have a bundled bill with one of the big Canadian ISPs? Here’s how to determine exactly how much you’re paying for your home internet:

Sample Telus Bill

Here is an example of your customer statement from Telus. Take a look under “Home Internet” for your internet speed.

Sample Telus Bill

Checkout what you’re paying for and how much you are paying. Note any expiring promotions.

Share and see what others in our community are paying for with ISP, speed, and cost… Example: Telus, 150, $100 #heybabbl

The cost of speed

So much of our lives are spent online these days. From streaming and shopping to chatting with friends and learning, many of our daily functions rely (at least partially) on consistent and reliable access to the internet. Covid, of course, greatly ramped up our digital usage and saw the rapid adoption of new online practices and behaviours by both businesses and individuals.

With this increase in online time, determining the best internet plan for your household can be confusing. Of course, speed is a big factor in deciding on a plan. Speed means faster Netflix streaming and better Zoom connections and can mean the difference between an enjoyable and an entirely frustrating internet experience.

Not surprisingly, there’s a price tag for that speed — every increase in speed will increase your overall internet bill. And while most ISPs will try to sell you on the fastest connectivity available, there’s a good chance something a little more average will serve you just fine.

How much speed do you need?

The answer really comes down to your internet usage. If you’re a casual user who logs on to browse for recipes and keep in touch with friends and family, you don’t need that Gig speed package you were sold on. On the other hand, a highload user like a gamer or developer may benefit from higher speeds to mitigate glitchy streaming experiences.

For most households, somewhere around 100 Mbps will provide more than adequate Whereas heavy usage houses may need speeds closer to the 500 Mbps range.

For a more in depth overview of internet speeds, check out our blog How fast should your internet be?

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