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Alternative Internet Providers the Key to Affordable Home Internet in Canada

It’s no secret that Canadians pay some of the highest costs for home internet in the world. In fact, we pay some of the most expensive rates among G20 nations. What’s even more alarming, is that these rates continue to climb. Take for example the pandemic — a time when the internet proved a vital source of connection for people isolated around the globe. While most countries lowered their rates in order to alleviate the economic strain of the pandemic, Canadian carriers actually did the opposite and increased their fees.

To change the situation, Canadians need more choices when it comes to home internet service. Unfortunately, pressure from big carriers like Telus, Bell, and Rogers limits the introduction of new home internet providers in Canada, making it difficult to actually increase competitors in the market.

Babbl President, Jason Speers, recently met with CKNW’s Jas Johal to talk about this issue. As an internet provider in BC, Babbl is on a mission to bring more affordable choices to the province.

Listen to the full chat here to learn why alternative internet providers are essential to reducing home internet costs in Canada.

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